Junior Group: 3 - 4 year olds
Your 3 - 4 year old will continue to grow and develop in many ways in the coming year. Children in this age group will speak 250 – 500 words and answer simple questions. They speak clearly and like to tell stories. Sentences consist of five to six words. By the age of 4 they will speak in complete sentences. Your child will start asking lots and lots of questions. This is a normal developmental milestone. Fantasy play becomes more creative. Pretend play becomes more interesting and involved. At this stage children may start to develop unrealistic fears too, such as believing in a monster lurking in the closet or fear of the dark.
They begin to understand the concept of counting better and can sort objects according to shape and colour. 3 – 4 year olds are now able to walk up and down stairs, alternating feet. They can kick, throw and catch a ball. They climb well, run more confidently and ride a tricycle. They can hop and stand on one foot for up to five seconds. At this point in their development, 3 – 4 year olds can more easily handle small objects and turn a page in a book. They draw a person with two to four body parts. They build a tower with nine or more objects. They can dress and undress without help. Your 3 - 4 year old is not only becoming more independent physically, but emotionally too. They begin to socialize more. Your child may now be able to cooperate better with friends, take turns and begin to show some problem solving skills. At this point they imitate parents and friends. They show a wide range of emotions, such as being sad, angry, happy or bored.
All children grow and develop at their own pace. Don’t worry if your child has not reached all of the age appropriate milestones at this time. You should notice a gradual progression in growth and development as your child gets older. If you don’t, or if your child has signs of possible development delay, speak to your child’s teacher or doctor.